Art Adventure and Experiments

Art Adventure and Experiments

Art Adventure and Experiments. Give it a try. It might not turn out like you were envisioning. The joy and fun is in the adventure of trying, of experimenting, and the thrill of success. Experiments that don’t work drive you to find a solution. We tried this...
Empty Nester and Memories

Empty Nester and Memories

Empty Nester and Memories Empty Nester and Memories. The concept of Empty Nester means different things to each of us. At the beginning, it meant the loss of much of my identity and social life. After years and years of being “her Mom” and “his...
Adventure in the Journey

Adventure in the Journey

When we are young, we have no trouble finding Adventure in our Journey. Paint, cardboard, duct tape, yarn, and construction paper. Those were the tools of my creativity when I was a kid. All those items were readily available and I had an art box with lots of bits and...

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