Art Adventure and Experiments

by | Feb 28, 2023 | Artistic Musings

Art Adventure and Experiments. Give it a try. It might not turn out like you were envisioning. The joy and fun is in the adventure of trying, of experimenting, and the thrill of success. Experiments that don’t work drive you to find a solution.

Spinning wire experiment

We tried this project. The wire tree is supposed to be spinning on its own powered by the battery. It isn’t. What does this mean? Keep trying!

We never know when our experiments and “do overs” will lead to the best outcome. As we tweak our process, we learn. As we learn, we improve or at least learn what not to do. Keep trying!

Even if we do not end up with a masterpiece, if we enjoyed the journey, we have found the adventure. Keep trying!



Sometimes Just the Attempt is Enough

I did not get the wire to spin, by the way. We did have fun trying.  If you know what I did wrong, please let me know.  I am sure it was something basic that I am not accomplishing. I tried different size magnets and different numbers of magnets. It is in the trying that we had fun even though it did not work.  I am waiting for the solution and the Ah Ha moment.

What experiments or new things have you talked yourself out of or been scared to try? I challenge you to do it anyway.  So what if it doesn’t work?  The fun is in the attempt.  It is the time spent in a creative endeavor that brings us peace of heart and feeds our souls. The artistic expression the drives us to push our comfort zones forward just a tad.

Art Adventure and Experiment. You might find a new passion.


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