Learning to Shift a Position

Learning to Shift a Position

Learning to shift a position is more difficult than you think. The Studio building and property sold almost exactly a year ago. The last year has been full of changes, stretching and trying something new. A new identity without the Studio, a new job in a totally...
Winter’s Ho Hum and St. Patty’s Day

Winter’s Ho Hum and St. Patty’s Day

Winter’s Ho Hum and St. Patty’s Day. Today is St. Patrick’s Day.  He was a real person and Saint and we have given him the color green.  It is great that his feast day is in early Spring because with everyone wearing green and posting green, it helps...
Spring – another round of resolutions

Spring – another round of resolutions

Spring – another round of resolutions. New Year’s Day comes around and we all make resolutions for things we will change in the new year.   It is a clean slate and a chance to make our lives better.   How long those resolutions last is usually based on the hoped...
Have an Art Vacation at Home

Have an Art Vacation at Home

How about an art vacation at home? Let’s explore how that might be just the thing to relieve some stress and brighten our outlook. Our heart and soul expand as we move through the stages of life.  We are a kid at home, in school, away at college, entering work...
Traditions, Memories and Legacy

Traditions, Memories and Legacy

Traditions, Memories, and Legacy What are the most vivid memories from your childhood?   People, events, experiences?  While I have a lot of early memories – riding a train from Missouri to California, meeting my little sister for the first time – many of my memories...

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