Spring – another round of resolutions

by | Feb 17, 2023 | Artistic Musings

Spring – another round of resolutions. New Year’s Day comes around and we all make resolutions for things we will change in the new year.   It is a clean slate and a chance to make our lives better.   How long those resolutions last is usually based on the hoped outcome and how hard we are REALLY willing to work on it.

Spring Resolutions

Spring seems to be my time for new resolutions too.  The bright sunshine, the warm breezes, the hint of Spring brings us to eagerly anticipate a new hope.  You can almost hear the flowers waking and yawning anxious to stretch their arms to the sky.  Each day, the buds on the tree outside my window are a little bit bigger.  The knowledge that nature is getting another new opportunity just brightens up your day.  The Spring rains wash away the grime of Winter and bring fresh water for growth.

Now is the time to brighten our hearts and give our souls some replenishment.  Trying a new art technique or starting that craft project you have always wanted to tackle brings us to a place where we might find ourselves again.  The person we have known we could be, hoped to be, dreamed of is possible.  We have put it off or denied ourselves thinking there is not enough time, or too many other things I “have to” do.  Do you ever say, “One of these days…”  “When I have time….”  “After…”  “Once I…” ? Our time is always given to the benefit of others.

Brighten up an old chair.

Why Do We Resist Happiness?

We have been resisting happiness.  Our days click off one by one.   We never run out of tasks or chores or things to keep us from finding what truly makes us happy.  Why are we avoiding it?  What are we scared of?  Think of the better you you can be if you gave yourself this gift.  The gift of your own time, in your own space, doing something your soul has missed doing or your heart yearns to try.  Spring – another round of resolutions is ready for you today!

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